The Bangalow Herald is run by a passionate team of locals. We always welcome new members, so please get in touch if you’re keen to join us – we’d love to have you.

Editor: Sally Schofield editor@bangalowherald.com.au
Advertising: Pippa Vickery advertising@bangalowherald.com.au
What’s On: whatson@bangalowherald.com.au
Design: Gaby Borgardts
Committee Members: Jenny Bird, Ean Jones, Adam Susz, Christobel Munson, Sue Franklin
Distribution Coordinator: Murray Hand

Events Coordinator: Sue Franklin

Partnerships Coordinator: Lyn McCarthy
Website: Sally Schofield
Public Officer: Murray Hand
Accounts: Adam Susz

Printed by Lismore City Printery

DISCLAIMER: This news magazine is published by The Bangalow Herald Inc. (NSW registration no. INC1601577). Membership applications are open to all adult residents of the 2479 postal district and surrounds. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the editor, nor members of the association’s editorial or management committees.