From the Editor

I learned the word ‘brumation’ this month (thanks, Shanti Singh). Not quite hibernation but a period of inactivity induced by cold weather. Reptiles do it. I’m convinced they are not alone. Winter tends to be a time of slowing down, resting, and enjoying warming comfort food (pages 21-22) for all of us. Even so, the community around us continues to thrum with activity, and putting this edition together, I was reminded, once more, of the incredible creative talent and natural beauty we have on our doorsteps.
The local arts scene is buzzing with activity, from new music for young people, to cabaret, theatrical productions, workshops, exhibitions, athletic achievements, and, of course, the highly anticipated Writers Festival. Take a look at our What’s On pages: they are bursting with fascinating events and opportunities.
School holidays are upon us and with that comes a time of gathering with our young people (and figuring out ways to keep them entertained). Jenny Bird has compiled a great selection of local places of interest to explore on Bundjalung Country, which are not only significant but serene and beautiful places to spend time in nature. Just perfect for a spot of brumation.
But don’t get too comfortable - there’s also a call to action, as you’ll see on pages 25-26, with the community being asked to have their say on a range of issues affecting our 2479 villages and the wider Byron Shire.
We are so fortunate to be able to participate in these consultation processes, and I urge you to read about what is being proposed, particularly to the trees in Byron Street, Bangalow, and plans for the Byron Bay foreshore. Take the time to raise your voice. It’s all well and good to share your opinion on Facebook, but if you are passionate about the changes being proposed, you need to express these opinions via the correct channels. Speak now, or forever hold your peace, as it were.
Perhaps there’s no time for brumation after all? Hop to it.

Sally Schofield

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